Friday, 8 January 2010

A few photos taken during our stay with Gemma, Tim and Rosie at Christmas. We had a lovely time and enjoyed Rosie's first Christmas - and seeing Antoinette and Gareth for a few days as they came up to Belper to spend a few days with us!! The photo below was taken at 'The Hanging Gate' - a local pub/restaurant. Rosie had her lunch first and played with her new toys whilst we ate ours - she's sat here between Tim and Sam - waiting for her pint! Hre hair is looking a bit curly and is still as red as ever!!

Opening presents - eating the paper!!

Antoinette enjoyed playing with Rosie - as well as nappy changing and feeding her - gave Gemma a real break!

Eating the spatula!

I had many cuddles - Sam and I looked after Rosie for 3 days in mid december whilst Gemma went back to work at the end of term. We had great fun and Rosie was as good as gold - saved up dirty nappies until Gemma came home - clever girl!

Gemma used to sit Rosie in bed with us when she woke up at 8am whilst she went back to bed for an hour before Rosie's breakfast at 9 - Rosie was quite happy looking at her books with us and laying with toys - Gemma missed us when we went home (and so must Rosie!!!).

It snowed the day after we arrived in Derbyshire (16Dec) and thawed the day before we left after Christmas - very pretty and we enjoyed our first white christmas!! Antoinette and Gareth found it very cold after the high temperatures in Vietnam!

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