Thursday, 3 July 2008


These photos are in no particular order - the top photograph is of the finished bridesmaid's bags. Are the handles what you wanted, Antoinette? I enjoyed making them and even found the right colour velcro to make a practically invisible way of keeping the top closed. The embroidery below was entitled 'What a tangled web we weave!'. I knitted two reels of hemp. increasing and decreasing at random and then layed the ecru colour over the green on a linen board with a layer of gold mesh material to give an added dimension. The hemp was then embroidered in buttonhole stitch - I love the 3D effect and intend to do a series of them - one is underway as I speak!

The farmers who use part of our land in France have been hay-making - our garden produced 3 bales!!!
Grandad, Sam and Grandma on our afternoon walk around the block!! It was very hot and I had just had a swim at Val Andre - the sea is a lot warmer in Brittany than in Guernsey although it's not so far away! Sam and I went over for the weekend to buy wine for Gemma's wedding and even though we had to pay the duty, it was still cheaper than buying it here. Having said that, with the boat fare it was really an excuse for a weekend in France. Mum and Dad joined us and have stayed on for 3 weeks - lucky devils!

The lanes near us are lovely and we see a lot of wildlife - there are beavers near here in a petit etang and we have seen hares running across the fields - even a baby deer. There are wild boar also though we haven't seen one - thank goodness- as they have been known to attack!!
Lose up of one of the bags - the embroidery is meant to represent seaweed and the shape of the bag is shell-like.
Hope these photos keep you happy, Ant. Have a lovely time in Thailand and keep posting photos on your blog. See you in 4 weeks!!!


Gem said...

wow those bags look amazing!! They are so pretty, and perfect size for ant to carry around my tissues all day!!! so excited to see ant too!!

Mai-Britt Axelsen said...

I agree - they are perfect. It has been great to see them in the making.

Ant said...

Bags look great. Keep putting on photos and I will too! Got lots of great ones today but don't have my camera lead here so I'll put them on later. xxx