Sunday, 18 May 2008

still learning

I'm still learning how to 'blog' - have had instructions from Antoinette (Daughter who lives in Vietnam) who has been on skype tutoring me for about an hour - she can't believe how stupid i am on a computer!!!! But i may have got there now. Here are some photos of some of my work. The above is entitled 'what a tangled web we weave! It is knitted hemp embroidered in buttonhole stitch!

This is a silk painting inspired by the paintings of Victor Hugo - hand embroidered.

This was inspired by a holiday in Mexico - the pyramids in the Yucatan peninsular were spectacular and i took so many photos - this is a detail of a wall!! At the time Antoinette was teaching in Mexico City but has now moved to Saigon - our next holiday - silks here we come!!!

This is a detail of another mexican inspired embroidery - i did a set of three - i dye my own fabrics and layer them then use hand and machine embroidery.

These are the bags i made whilst in France recently- the fabrics were sourced in france and antique chinese silks found at Harrogate last November. I have a superb bag book - patterns for the lovliest of bags - very inspiring!!

How is that for a first proper blog - Ant - are you proud of me?????


Ant said...

That looks so much better!

Mai-Britt Axelsen said...

Yes, Sue, I am proud of you too........ It is beginning to look like a real blog - be proud of yourself as well!